calme / Naoco Kojima
Naoco Kojimaによる鉱物を題材にしたZINE「calme(カルム)」。静物画をイメージした「鉱物のある風景」をフィルム写真で表現し、作者が鉱物収集を通して出会った人々とのエピソード「9つの話」を鉱物ごとに文章で綴っています。鉱物の本でありながら様々な「人」が登場することで、そのものの背景にある景色を描き出そうとした一冊。
"From this little piece of
Feel the breath of nature so majestic
I always feel overwhelmed and at a loss."
Naoco Kojima's zine "calme" is based on the theme of minerals. She uses a film camera to depict a "landscape with minerals" inspired by a still life painting, and describes "nine stories" of people she has met through her mineral collection, with text for each mineral. Although this is a book about minerals, the author tries to depict the stories behind the minerals by featuring various "people" in this book.
page: 24 page
size: A5(148×210mm)
design: Yuma Tobishima(ampersands)
published in Dec 2018
Naoco Kojima
instagram: @naocokojima
Naoco Kojimaによる鉱物を題材にしたZINE「calme(カルム)」。静物画をイメージした「鉱物のある風景」をフィルム写真で表現し、作者が鉱物収集を通して出会った人々とのエピソード「9つの話」を鉱物ごとに文章で綴っています。鉱物の本でありながら様々な「人」が登場することで、そのものの背景にある景色を描き出そうとした一冊。
"From this little piece of
Feel the breath of nature so majestic
I always feel overwhelmed and at a loss."
Naoco Kojima's zine "calme" is based on the theme of minerals. She uses a film camera to depict a "landscape with minerals" inspired by a still life painting, and describes "nine stories" of people she has met through her mineral collection, with text for each mineral. Although this is a book about minerals, the author tries to depict the stories behind the minerals by featuring various "people" in this book.
page: 24 page
size: A5(148×210mm)
design: Yuma Tobishima(ampersands)
published in Dec 2018
Naoco Kojima
instagram: @naocokojima